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The Hyde Family 1996 Hockey Tournament in Los Angeles with Walter

Our family story of Walter happened in 1996 when our son Paul was on Walter's hockey team, two years after he had his aneurism. He was all better and back at the arena coaching. Wayne was so happy his dad was doing great he said "Dad why don't you bring your team to Los Angeles and we can have a tournament. Walter brought this to the next practice to see if we were interested. Everyone was so excited!! Every family was able to go and everyone in the family came too. We played lots of hockey games and Wayne also had lots of tourist things for us to see and do. Whenever we were out touring we would see a crowd of people so we would check it out to see if it was a movie star and it was Walter they were gathered around. We would continue along and come across another crowd and had to check to see who that might be and once again it was Walter. Walter was the star! It was a very special year being with Walter every week but that vacation with all Paul's hockey buddies, all the parents and siblings will always be one of our most special family trips

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