What is the purpose of the Brantford Sports and Entertainment Centre (SEC)?

    The SEC initiative is being explored with the purpose of elevating Brantford as a sports and entertainment hub, fostering economic growth, revitalizing the city centre, and attracting world-class entertainment and sports events options for Brantford residents and visitors. Anticipating the new venue will also serve as a future residency for the Brantford Bulldogs, the City estimates an annual economic impact of $4,337,700 from the Bulldogs partnership, including visiting team stays and fan spending at local businesses.

    How will the community’s input be collected and used?

    Public input gathered during the December 2023 community consultation will serve as a crucial component in shaping the future Sports and Entertainment Centre project in Brantford. This input focuses on the community's vision for the site, including preferred amenities and potential uses and is intended to capture diverse perspectives and preferences for desired features within the facility. This input will guide the SEC's design and development. The feedback obtained from residents during this period will be detailed in a report to be presented to Council as part of the Phase Three report in January 2024. This information will directly inform decisions regarding the venue's features and uses, ensuring that the development aligns with the desires and needs of the community.

    How was 79 Market St. selected as the recommended SEC site location?

    The process involved a meticulous assessment led by Sports Marketing Consultant, KKR Advisors Ltd. and City Council. Initially, ten potential sites were evaluated, leading to a shortlist of three. Based on rankings of sites measured against detailed criteria including potential economic impact and overall feasibility, ultimately, the site at 79 Market Street, adjacent to the existing Civic Centre, emerged as the recommended location. Following a thorough evaluation process and input from various stakeholders, the Civic Centre site at 79 Market Street is strongly recommended as the optimal location for the SEC.

    What were the key criteria for selecting the site adjacent to the Civic Centre?

    The site was selected based on ranking first in several assessment categories, including its alignment with Council priorities, potential economic impact, city building potential, and overall feasibility. The site adjacent to the Civic Centre Site ranked highest in all categories except Parking (where it ranked second) and Ease of Development (where it ranked third).

    What will the SEC cost and what is the impact to taxpayers?

    Details regarding funding sources and financial implications will be outlined in the Phase Three report, anticipated to be considered by City Council in January 2024.

    What are the anticipated social and economic benefits of the proposed SEC in Brantford?

    The ongoing partnership with the Brantford Bulldogs is projected to generate an annual economic impact of approximately $4,337,700, including revenue from visiting team stays and fan spending at local businesses. Additionally, this partnership is expected to significantly enhance the city's reputation as a sports-friendly destination, fostering increased activity and vibrancy, particularly in the downtown area. This boost in reputation is anticipated to attract future investments, further contributing to the city's economic growth. Moreover, the establishment of the SEC is envisioned to instill civic pride and confidence within the community, fostering a sense of belonging and engagement.

    Why is the City considering this build when building housing and a new hospital are such key priorities?

    The City is already firmly committed to improving housing and healthcare in our community, as part of a comprehensive community developmentplan. The City is meeting the targets set out in the Brantford/Brant Affordable Housing plan to construct 506 social housing units over ten years. Four years into that plan 43% or 220 units have been or are under construction. At the same time the City is actively supporting the Province and Hospital Authorities plan for the construction of a new hospital, a recognition of the critical need for advanced healthcare facilities in our community.

    Acknowledging the significant financial commitments required for the new hospital project, the City proactively established a Hospital Redevelopment Reserve Fund with $8.5 million contributed to date, part of a dedicated effort by the City to put in place the municipal funding required for the successful completion of this vital healthcare project.

    These efforts to improve housing and healthcare will continue regardless what is decided regarding a new Sports and Entertainment Centre.

    Ultimately, the City's simultaneous focus on recreation, economic development, housing and healthcare underscores our commitment to fostering a thriving community, and doing so by addressing in a comprehensive manner the many different and diverse needs required to make Brantford a successful and livable City.


    What stages has the SEC development process reached?

    The development process for the SEC in Brantford is in Phase 2 of a 3-phase process. Prompted by the sale of 2,400 Brantford Bulldogs season memberships, City Council directed staff to undertake a comprehensive plan, including a recommended location, cost estimates encompassing both capital and operating expenses, a financing plan, and delivery timelines. This initiative was conducted in collaboration with the Sports Facility Consultant, KKR Advisors, revealing a rare opportunity for Brantford to elevate its national sports status, revitalize the city's core, attract tourism and world-class entertainment, and stimulate new business in the downtown area.

    What are the next steps in the SEC project?

    The Phase Three report will be presented to City Council for consideration in January 2024, detailing financing, partnership assessments, and potential funding structures based on research into similar facilities and private sector involvement. The report will also summarize the public consultation findings and inform next steps. If approved, the report a proposal and development process for the construction and establishment of the SEC will be initiated.