2023 City Budget Priorities Survey
The City of Brantford recognizes that municipal budget decisions have a profound impact on the daily lives of residents. From garbage collection, to public transit, to the safety of our neighbourhoods, budgets sit at the heart of residents’ quality of life and our community’s future development.
Consistent with the City’s commitment and facilitation of the Taxpayer Bill of Rights, we invite you to be part of the City’s 2023 budget process by completing the following survey, the results of which will be shared with City Council and municipal staff to help inform the 2023 budget development process taking place in February, 2023. Your opinions are very important to us and we thank all respondents in advance for taking the time to complete the following survey.
Please note that the personal information collected from this public survey is collected under the authority of Section 10 (1) of Municipal Act, 2001, as amended. All responses will remain anonymous and will only be used for the purposes of informing the City's 2023 Budget Process. Should you have any questions about the collection of this personal information, please contact the City's Director of Communications and Community Engagement at 519-759-4150 ext. 5754 or communications@brantford.ca.